Once you’ve sketched the extent of the pad, you can add a slope arrow which is accessible from the design bar when you are in sketch mode.

You can control the slope of the pad by accessing the element properties, where you can either specify the height at tail or the slope. To do this, select the slope arrow and right mouse click and go to element properties.

This added functionality will certainly help to enhance your site modelling capabilities within Revit Architecture and Structure.
Finally, another little tip-bit for building pads in 2009, is that they are now considered to be room-bounding elements and this is especially useful when calculating room areas or volumes.
first ... excelent blog ...
second ... i have a problem with the pads, when i made a pad with slop arrow, in the views show me a lines or something ... why do that?... i hope you can help me ...
Note: this is only when they intersect pads a sloping and horizontal.
Nice blog, clear and helpful. As a new user to Revit I shall certainly visit your page again!
Have you ever tried creating a toposurface for a tunnel and tried adding building pads?
waiting to hear from you.
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