What’s this all to do with Revit you may ask? Well the eagle eyed may have spotted some Revit futures, but it was caveated with the normal Autodesk statement that these are concepts only. :-) Hmmmm lets see what 2009 release has to bring. However, what was shown at the AEC technology breakfast was a new Extension4 Revit Structure which allowed you to do analysis directly within Revit Structure. Time frame was not given and this was the first time it has ever been demonstrated.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
AU2007 is in full swing, its bigger and better than last year. With over 10000 attendees worldwide descending on Las Vegas this is the biggest AU ever! The opening technology session this morning was introduced by Lynn Allen with a keynote speech by Autodesk CEO Carl Bass, followed by CTO Jeff Kowalski.
The renowned designer Yves BĂ©har presented his vision for value design and showed a number of signature award winning concept design http://www.fuseproject.com/ including the Jawbone headset, xo-1 $100 laptop and LED lamp for Herman Millar. The audience where sat in a circular formation with the central stage with screens position in the middle. The backdrop also consisted of projected screens surrounding the audience. The attendees where teased with possible future Autodesk technologies which where projected onto these screens with high tempo bass driven beats!! It was a visual and audible delight!
The audience where also shown a new preview technology product called Newport, which is a rendering and animation tool for the novice user. It was introduced as a tool for the casual user and can be learnt in a lunchtime! It doesn't look like it will replace 3dsmax but it will fill the gap for users who want to do high quality visuals but do not have the time and patients to learn complex products like Viz and Max. This was excellent, but no time frame for this as a usable product was given.
Mastering Revit Architecture 2008 (Mastering) book

Want a technical in depth book on Revit Architecture 2008? Then you need the new Mastering Revit Architecture 2008 which has just been published. The book is the second in the series from Tatjana Dzambazova, Eddy Krygiel and Greg Demchak and builds on the Revit principles defined in there first book Introducing Revit Architecture 2008. The first book was excellent and from what I'm hearing the second is just as good. It can be found on Amazon, but if you are attending AU2007 in Las Vegas this year be sure to drop by the exhibition hall as you will be able to get a copy there. If you are really lucky and are attending AU, then I’m sure if you see Tatjana she will sign a copy for you! ;-)
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
IES plugin for Revit Architecture
IES have just annouced a free plug-in to Revit Architecture which provides a direct link to their software. This now provides Architecture with similar and enhanced fuctionality as you find in Revit MEP. Details can be found at:-
Tutorials and functionality can be found here:-
Tutorials and functionality can be found here:-
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Importing 3d DWG’s into Revit
I had an interesting situation recently where an experienced Revit user questioned whether you could bring a 3d DWG into Revit????!!!! This was somewhat of a surprise to me, because I just assumed that most users will know that this is possible. However, I suppose the real question is what value does this bring and in what context would you want to use the 3d DWG. In reality the 3d DWG is only contextual background data, but if you are clever you can bring a 3d DWG into a mass family. Then, if you load your mass family into your project you can use Revit’s building maker functionality to skin the 3d DWG with Revit’s system families ie. walls, roofs and curtain walls. You will quickly be able to create something which is usable. A point to note is ideally if you are importing into a mass family, the 3d DWG must be made up of AutoCAD solids. The first link shows you how to link a 3d DWG in a project, the second link shows you how to import a 3d DWG into a mass family.
Friday, November 16, 2007
New Builds of Revit 2008 portfolio available
Autodesk have just released new builds (20071109_2345) of Revit Architecture, Revit Structure and Revit MEP (service pack 3). Details can be found at the following locations:-
Revit Architecture
Revit Structure
Revit MEP
A pdf is available for download on each page indicating what has been addressed in this service pack.
Revit Architecture
Revit Structure
Revit MEP
A pdf is available for download on each page indicating what has been addressed in this service pack.
AUGI Design Academy, Birmingham, UK 13th to 14th Nov
I have just returned from the first ever AUGI Design Academy user event which was held in Birmingham, UK on the 13th and 14th Nov. This was the first time anything like this has ever been held in the UK. I was fortunate enough to be asked to present at the event and I covered two classes; one on using Extreme Architecture using Revit and Inventor together and second class was on BIM collaboration with the Revit portfolio.
It was great to see a number of our US colleagues make there way over especially as this event was so close to AU2007; with the likes of Matt Murphy, Lynn Allen and Phil Read all presenting. You will find more details on Lynn Allens blog.
Although the numbers for this event where small (around 200+), the quality of the presentations was excellent and the feedback from those who attended was extremely positive. I expect to see this event rapidly grow in size next year.
It was great to see a number of our US colleagues make there way over especially as this event was so close to AU2007; with the likes of Matt Murphy, Lynn Allen and Phil Read all presenting. You will find more details on Lynn Allens blog.
Although the numbers for this event where small (around 200+), the quality of the presentations was excellent and the feedback from those who attended was extremely positive. I expect to see this event rapidly grow in size next year.
Avatech releases Revit Architecture 2008 tools
Following on from there release of a Google Earth plugin last year, Avatech solutions have released a series of tools specifically for Revit Architecture 2008. Theses include:-
It's great to see this type of development being done for Revit Architecture. With all the focus being on the extension4revit tools for Revit Structure, I am sure users of Revit Architecture had felt like second class citizens.
- A room renumber tool
- Change font case
- Door Mark update
- A Revitcity.com content browser
- Earth Connector for Revit
These tools are all free for download and can be downloaded from :-
The room renumber is particularly useful!!! Any one who is had a renumber rooms for a large floor plan will love this tool. :-)

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