Thursday, January 26, 2012

Dude! Where’s my Nodes?

Spotted this one yesterday. In Vasari, if you divide a surface & select the divided surface with a view to changing the Surface Representation, there is no arrow to the Surface Representation options dialogue.This is Vasari…. arrow? No dialogue…no Nodes… :-(


This is the same thing in Revit 2012….arrow to access the Surface Representation options.


I thought I was going mad! Fortunately Zach K. put my mind at rest & confirmed it as an interface bug. The arrow is there, see the image below, but its hidden at the end!



Duarte Couto said...

I think that what many people don't understand is that programs like Revit and Vasari are being developed as we speak. They are imperfect and imcomplete. But in my opinion they are the best programs to work with.
The good news is that they will always be better tomorow than they were yesterday.

Duarte Couto said...

I think that what many people don't know is that programs like Revit and Vasari are being developed as we speak. They are imperfect and incomplete, but still the best programs, in my opinion, to work with. The good news is that they will always be better tomorow than they were yesterday.