The guys over at Robobat have released a new Extension called the "Static analysis of Slabs". Anyone who went to AU would have seen this new tool demonstarted at the AEC breakfast briefing. The extension can be downloaded from the following location... will also notice that you will need the update Extension Engine 1.8 to use this tool, which will also mean you need to reinstall all your existing extension!! Thankfully Robobat have seen sense and released the Extensions as a complete package, thank goodness for that!!!, if you have issues installing the latest engine follow this guidance from the Robobat support teams after I discovered a minor bug in the installer.
"When I try to install the new extension engine, the package discovers the old 1.6 engine and asks if I’d like to uninstall the old version first.
If you say “yes”, nothing happens and the installer drops out in the background without warning. If I then go to add remove/programs to try to uninstall the Extensions for Revit v.1.6, the uninstall button does nothing. " To resolve this.
Open registry editor.
Find: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\
Remove {65DC83F9-6B74-4F70-9927-4851AEE116F5} registry
Then run installation of Revit Extensions 1.8.